Brixton Feoffee News Archive for 2024

The Park

The Park

The Trustees of the Brixton Feoffee Trust are delighted with the planting of 40 metres of lavender in the Park. This has replaced the original bushes, which were planted ten years ago. This lavender hedge will continue to contribute to the biodiversity of the Park so that children can see insect and bug life at close quarters, which is part of the Feoffee Trust’s plan to improve the natural environment in the Park. The area under the trees has been left wild and undisturbed to benefit and encourage all wildlife and encourage small mammals such as hedgehogs.

The Board of Trustees would like to thank Brixton Parish Council, the Brixton Composters, and Councillors Alison Nix and Julie Carson (Locality Fund) for their generous grants towards this improvement.

For more details about the Brixton Feoffee Trust, please see the Brixton village website - – and look under “Brixton Feoffee Trust”

8th June 2024

The Brixton Feoffee Trustees were delighted to receive the following from William Staddon, following a grant to him for Duke of Edinburgh expedition expenses.  William has given permission for his email and photograph to be published.

The Brixton Feoffee Trustees were delighted to receive the following from William Staddon, following a grant to him for Duke of Edinburgh expedition expenses. William has given permission for his email and photograph to be published.

To everyone at the Feoffee Trust,

I have recently completed my silver dofe expedition and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you so much for your financial support. It helped provide for my walking trousers and waterproof clothing. With your help I was able to buy good quality equipment that kept me warm and dry throughout my time no matter how bad the weather. I got to experience Exmoor and the wonderful wildlife and scenery of its forests and hills. This opportunity that you helped me accomplish has given me the confidence to try new things and given me the courage to open doors to new opportunities.

Thank you again,
William Staddon

2nd February 2024

New Planting area

Some of you may have noticed that there has been some new planting on the bank overlooking the A379 as you enter the village from Yealmpton. The Board of Trustees wanted to tidy up this area after they converted the land above the bank a few years ago to provide parking for their tenants and improve access to the rear of the properties.
The Board of Trustees employed Colin Campbell from Flete Gardens to plant up the new area following a planting guide kindly provided to the Trust by Rose Clark of Otter Garden Centre. Mrs Clark also kindly arranged for a donation of some of the plants for which the Trust is very thankful.
Colin recommended that the matting was installed to help retain moisture and reduce the spread of weeds whilst the plants mature. This matting will biodegrade over a two-year period, enabling the plants to become firmly established.
The Board of Trustees hopes that you all agree that this is a great improvement rather than the rambling brambles and weeds that had previously occupied this space and that you will enjoy the new planting as it matures.

31st January 2024

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